
HI!!!! CANADA and da world

W E L C O M E 2 M Y S I T E

My blog will contain many things and iwant to blog also about places to eat and have to visit! <3 top places to visit around here

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Division in understanding.

        Their always seems to be a division in peoples on beleifs of contest only things they understand and support, their is always exclusions and silences of text. Saying something that may imply that the topic is a no go with people. Exclusion of thought is something you" dont want to happen. In a story the thought of ~"he didn't"~ gets you interested in what happens next in the story. What am i going to include or exclude in my readings that i want to convey but the readers understand. So everyone lives in their "world" that they themselves only know and believe, some just stay the same inside their bubble but others break out of the bubble and actually start learning about things that are gossiped about so you want to know the REAL truth so you search for it. People understand what a snowboard is, but has never tried to use one so all they can do is guess what it is used for and what type of gear you need. It is all guesses. You may even be excluded in future conversations because it was obvious to the boarder that you had no clue what you were talking about. This earns you disrespect among your circle due to possibility of offending them? or maybe they talking about something you dint know about so you are excluded even when you really want to talk!!!
I know so because i always assume but that has gotten me into trouble so now i am direct in my questions and i try and reveal why i am asking such a question, i hate staying on a subject for to long due to my overactive imagination :D so i need to move the conversation into a new unexplored thought, i wait for those perfect moments to bring the thought up. Or i sit and watch and listen to what my instructor or friends are arguing about, and say nothing in particular but if the questions in my head just needs the answer i will interrupt what they were saying till i ask the question that so wanted to jump out from my head. It is great when you can retain and remember things that interests you it helps expand memory in lots of subjects from math equations to art and animals "Curiosity doesn't kill this kitty". It is like Waking Up to new ideas. So if i remember in the morning i'd ask myself 6 impossible things. So keep the brain thinking to expand memory, since my brain seems to move to fast i may not remember names or what we talked about like twilight* I'd prolly forget cuz its a hobby not something important though names are important I do get distracted so dont count on me remembering your name the first or 10th  time we meet. I hope i didnt get anyone lost while rading this sort of rant sort of ??? notes i guess. Well here is a sweet pic of a car made by Aston Martin "Vantage V12"  to take your mind off things if you know what i mean? and a BIBLE verse ;p ~~~~ xoxo Oboro

Saturday, December 19, 2009

wow, i did not know Jonathan Rhys Meyers took sexy pictures :)

He is always watching (he might be alive!) yay here take a look!!! <3

I could just cry!! Itachi is so beautiful, i am crazy in love! lol :P

Hi guys, i'm typing again!  i enjoy writing and enjoying my free time :) Tomorrow I'm going too look for a job :) so I can pay for the Christmas presents i bought. 
awe and a great movie just ended on Bravo! channel! it had a great and surprising ending a very emotional happy ending :) awe.

Lol Canada's worst driver is funny, Angelina and Mike are horrible driver's, who in their right mind would give them their license?! Crazi Canadians, i'm one of them :p lol but i seriously think they got it from a "popcorn box." that is my take on it any comments? i watched the last episode and Angelina got the trophy for "Canada's worst driver" I'm curious if Angelina and Mike have no license still? i'm going to assume they don't have it and i am not going to go look for anything on them....NO!

Naruto 476 was great! Masashi! it is so EPIC!! with Naruto  hyper ventalating about making a choice to "kill" Sasuke, but other things are also running through his head?!?!? (so what's HIS choice??) i am reeeling! your killing me Masashi!!! and poor Nruto! i hope he ok! and what the F**** is up with "Danzo"??? and all those nasty uchiha eye's! the deal? Kishimoto you SO out did yourself this time! and i thought you did when Kakashi died. I was going to quit reading but he did'nt die! [for now, but i have a feeling he is going to die again]. [i think its going to be Sasukes fault somehow or Danzo, its hard to tell but i have my suspicions]. shifty eye's. Anyways i hope NARUTO does not end and i am going to read and buy the mangas when the new ones come out.

Avatar and Ninja Assassin look great! tonight i am going to watch Avatar :) then ninja assassin too. Epic! that is what i am talking about James Cameron he is a new hero for me along side Peter Jackson, Nobura, Hayo Miyazaki, Masashi Kishimoto, and Le Peruggine, Stephanie Meyer. 

To end my writting, i was cruising the internet for my thoughts on "the perfect cast for ''THE HOST" since i saw some of other peoples idea's, on YouTube :D 
Yeah youtube is very visual lol, as am i.... so i was looking for a "Jared" if you read the book, he is Melany's love, though she was 17 and he was 26 when they met! so cute :)  Anyways back to Jared'' I sat their with my laptop and alot of faces went through my head and Jonathan Rhyes Meyers crossed my head [ The Children of Huang Shi ]  and i found this nice Hot'' picture of him, enjoy!  :) 

PS i am excited about the 2010 Olympic's , i wanna live in Vancouver ;p one day its my favorite city and place North Vancouver is gonna be my home. I'm in  love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and this x-mas we got lots of things butt ima be in town and get work so i can pay for rent and put food and pay for the presents i bought too heh ;p i'm ok though :D no worries i look for a job tomorow and or monday??!?!?!!? wish me luck. PS3 is worth it, all the cool games that are out now and are coming soon!! i gave mine too my sibblings :) yay and i wanna see our new flat screen before i leave for university XD  ~oboro 

oh and and and i read SKIP BEAT! 

xoxoox yay i think REN won :D